De Raad voor de Jaarverslaglegging heeft gereageerd op de Exposure Draft ED/2017/2: ‘Improvements to IFRS 8 Operating Segments’. De Raad adviseert de International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) de voorgestelde wijzigingen in IFRS 8 and IAS 34 niet uit te voeren.
De RJ is er niet van overtuigd dat de voorgestelde wijzigingen de oplossing bieden voor de gesignaleerde problemen. De Raad vreest dat de wijzigingen juist nieuwe vragen oproepen als ze worden geïmplementeerd. In haar reactie zegt de Raad: ‘For those reasons we are not in favour of adding examples and additional guidance to the standards. We favour principle-based standards and accept that such standards require a certain level of judgement in practical application.’
Draft Comment Letter EFRAG
De RJ heeft ook de EFRAG Technical Expert Group laten weten dat zij de suggesties in de Draft Comment Letter van EFRAG op de Exposure Draft ED/2017/ niet ondersteund.
IFRS 8 en IAS 34
Voorgestelde wijzigingen IASB IFRS 8 (bron: International Financal Reporting Bulletin 2017/07, BDO)
- Emphasise that the chief operating decision maker (CODM) is a function that makes operating decisions about allocating resources to, and assessing the performance of, the
operating segments of an entity. - Add to the existing requirements an explanation that the CODM may be either an individual or a group.
- Explain the role of non-executive members when identifying an entity’s CODM.
- Require the disclosure of the title, and description of the role, of the individual or group that is identified as the CODM.
- Require an explanation in the notes to the financial statements when segments identified in the financial statements differ from those in other parts of its annual reporting package.
- Add further examples of similar economic characteristics to the aggregation criteria.
- Clarify that an entity may disclose segment information in addition to that reviewed by, or regularly provided to, the CODM if that helps the entity meet the core principle in IFRS
8. - Clarify that the explanations of reconciling items should be given with sufficient detail to enable users of financial statements to understand the nature of those items.
The IASB also proposes amending IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting to require that in the first interim report after a change in the composition of its reportable segments, an entity should
present restated segment information for all interim periods of both current and prior financial years, unless the information is not available and the cost to develop it would be excessive.
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